“Setting” Up Our Next Game Plan

 Hi again! Most of my group’s planning involved modifying and adding specificity to our plot and other elements within it such as the characters and creating a script for the opening. However, since we started developing more specific details toward filming our actual opening itself, we started focusing on when and where it will occur. Since we all have pretty busy schedules we decided that Sundays would work best for everyone in order to have a good chunk of time to film. We also assumed because there are two settings used in the opening, we will probably need 2 separate times of getting together to film. This being said, we don’t want to start filming too early because we want to make sure we will be as efficient as possible when filming and this will only be the case if we have/ do enough planning over the next few weeks, such as storyboarding and deciding upon mise-en-scene elements. Also, since the first part of the scene involves our main character, Gabriel, playing soccer, we decided upon our setting for this part being in a park with a soccer field and net. Even though this setting seems like the obvious choice, it is definitely important to make this executive decision. We then plan on filming the rest of the opening in one of our houses to make it seem more natural and realistic. Having set up the setting for the film opening is definitely a relief. See you soon for the next move in our game plan!

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The Film Opening of “Kicking It”

 Here it is! The long awaited for film opening! Both links should work, however, the google drive one may be higher quality. Enjoy, and than...