Filming Goal Reached!

I’m back with another exciting update. We’ve finished the filming process for our film opening. Isaac filmed the second half with his family and now we have all the material we need to edit the different pieces and clips together. 

Isaac told us that the filming process went smoothly. However, we did make a slight change to the script in that originally both of Gabe’s parents were present; however, due to Isaac’s dad not being home, we changed it to only his mom playing Gabe’s mom. We figured this change was okay and actually held some benefits to the opening as well,since it didn’t take away from the effect of having the parents play a certain demanding, overarching role in the opening and the father only had one or two lines that weren’t vital to enhancing the plot or opening. Also, I was scared our film may exceed the time frame restraints, however, by eliminating a couple lines, I think this will help ensure that it doesn't become an issue when we finish the editing process. 

Seeing all the individual clips is thrilling because it is so exciting to be able to have material to work with rather than just visualizing how everything will piece together in the end. Now that we are on to the editing process is also exciting to see that we have moved away from the planning and recording and towards the final stages of piecing the opening together and focusing on small details of the opening, such as the font used for the credits. That’s all for today. See you soon!

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The Film Opening of “Kicking It”

 Here it is! The long awaited for film opening! Both links should work, however, the google drive one may be higher quality. Enjoy, and than...